plan et al.

24. Juni 2020|

A magizine published by the students’ council of the University of Siegen and Students for Future Siegen.

Zur deutschen Version geht es hier entlang.

Finally the first issue of »plan et al.« is being released. But what exactly is this magazine about?

Within Siegen’s local StufF group the idea of a publication arose pretty early, offering a possibility – for as many groups as possible – to express their thoughts concerning a pre-selected topic. Including theory-based articles, blog entries, commentaries and creative contributions the magazine is meant to be a display of divers opinions. Our goal is to make it possible for readers to obtain local as well as interregional insight into the subject matter. Universities provide access to literature, science and research. Having this knowledge basis up our sleeves, we’re aiming to share information with the general public.

The first issue of »plan et al.«, which as a magazine doesn’t only revolve around suatainability and ecology, but has been produced as green and fair as possible, discusses »consumption and consumerism«. Alongside consumption criticism and sustainable behaviour we want to take a closer look at different problems and question our current system: where does it fail, where can you find promising rudiments?

You can find the latest news about our magazine on or Social Media Accounts below:

Issue 1 – C O N S U M P T I O N

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