Identity Dictation – a lecture by Ajay, a refugee/activist from India
Identity Dictation Are you done Sterotyping? Assuming? Judging?
19.7. 18h Campus Paul-Bonatz-Straße | Raum PB-A-117/1
20.7. 18h Emmy-Noether-Campus | Raum EN-D-114
21.7. 18h Campus Unteres Schloss | Raum US-A-120
AStA along with Queer@Uni and Refugees Welcome and Wo.Men invite you all to an interactive lecture by Ajay Sathyan, a refugee/activist from India. The lecture by Ajay is a challenge to all possible conventionalities by engaging the audince. Come, interact and open a dialoge.
Disclaimer and Warning:
Please respect the speaker and don`t offend your neighbour. The lecture will involve discussing topics of gross sexual violence and human rights violations. So please be prepared.